Ask For Help

Try going to some meetings for some support and help.

Take a look around this blog. I have provided links to a lot of information. Most of it is specific to this area especially meetings and treatment in West Virginia. Many of the links do offer other information not specific to any area.

Today the day for the letter A I want to remind you that you don't have to go through this alone.
  • If someone you love suffers from an addiction problem don't try to solve it all by yourself. Reach out to others, ask for help when you need it. Don't be afraid! Remember, you don't have to do this all on your own.
  • Maybe your addict is at that level where they are ready for help and they are reaching out for help and don't know where to turn. Make a list. Text it to them. Write it down for them to carry. Help is out there and waiting. All you have to do is ask.
I have made of list of some services Treatment/Recovery Resources to help get you started. I have included a lot of links on finding the right treatment program, what questions you need to and should ask when seeking a treatment center. I have included both medically assisted treatment as well as non medical assisted treatment. You will also find links on the sidebar of this blog.

If your addict has reached a level of their addiction and struggling with the mental health issues associated with addiction and making comments about suicide, please, please, please take their words seriously. This is the point that they have reached total desperation, and do not know what to do, nor where to turn. Their brain isn't functioning at that level.

Here in the panhandle reach out to the crisis team at East Ridge. They are there 24/7. The number to reach the crisis team is 855-807-1258

With that said, why is it that we have to wait for a crisis situation in order for someone to receive help?

Why does someone going to the new crisis unit at the hospital have to say they are suicidal in order to receive treatment?

Remember these numbers also. Call them. Reach out to them.

Help4WV 1-844-435-7498

Kevin Knowles, The Berkeley County Community Recovery Services Coordinator
His Office # 304-264-1923 or by Cell Phone: 304-676-7731

We have many groups locally who are there to help you and answer any questions

They are:

The HOPE Dealer Project You can contact them by visiting their Facebook Page, or by calling 844-383-4673

Dee Stotelmyer Pierce of  The WV Chapter of Biker's Against Heroin

MPD Officer Andrew Garcia with Martinsburg Renew. You can reach out to him on  Facebook at

Justin Ponton from Newness of Life in Huntington, WV has taken in and saved and helped many of our locals here in Berkeley County. The Newness of Life is extending their program to Berkeley County and will soon be opening, The Lazarus House. The Lazarus House opening today will be under the direction of Kevin Bowman. For more information contact:

Justin Ponton 304-972-9901
Kevin Bowman 304-412-0668

Mr. James Boyd advocates a message of #staystopped in our community. You can contact him on Facebook at, James Boyd

For more resources locally, please visit  Local Resources Fighting This Heroin Epidemic
This listing includes many locally who are joining in to help those suffering and the families who love them.

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