It was announced recently that heroin and opioid abuse is now the #1 leading cause of death in the United States for persons age 50 and under. This epidemic has surpassed heart disease, diabetes and cancer as the leading cause of death in this country.
The reality is that heroin and it's abuse is preventable and is treatable.IF everyone can get on the same page.
We are learning that aside from all of the new information that it is affecting every company. Companies are realizing just how much this has affected their workplace where drug-related injuries have skyrocketed and caused companies billions of dollars in workers compensation. Companies are experiencing the trend that overdosing on the job seems to be the norm these days.
Last week I posted that I am once again working on a few pieces for this blog. I have been contacted by quite a few people. I hadn't realized how much some missed reading here.It disrupts the daily workflow which can also cost companies a lot of money.
While I am working on a few posts coming soon, I thought I would share that we on this side of loving someone with this addiction have always said that addiction to heroin and opioid addiction doesn't discriminate.
Heroin doesn't care if you are rich or poor, it affects both the same.
Heroin does not care if you were prom king or queen, very popular at school, or football jock, or the quiet shy person in school who had few friends.
Heroin doesn't care about your job. It doesn't care if you are a construction worker, banker, CEO police officer, politician or pastor.
Heroin doesn't care that you attend church every Sunday.
Heroin does not care how you vote at the polls. It is neither democrat or republican or any other political party one may be affiliated with.
Heroin does heroin care which gender or race you are.
Heroin is killing everyone and destroying lives. It is tearing at the very threads of the American family and the values of every family in this country alike; rich or poor and young and old.Sometimes when asked where I stand my response is simple,
I stand on shaky ground where heroin and addiction are concerned.If you want to be a part of my blog I certainly welcome all. If you don't wish to, I understand that as well.
© 2018 Gossip Girl
I work for a non-profit that assists incapacitated adults. Our clients are mostly seasoned citizens but that's starting to change. We are seeing an uptick of those who weren't able to recover from an OD. It's heartbreaking.