Saturday, April 30, 2016

Petition Update

I scheduled this post to send yesterday evening, unfortunately Blogger didn't cooperate. I've worked with it in the past and know it can be stubborn and contrary at times. I just noticed it was still setting there waving at me.

Update on our Petition:

Yesterday morning we had 44 signatures. Today we are up to 273 Signing and supporting this petition. We have gained 229 signatures and supporters in a 24 hour period!!! While we celebrate those numbers we know we need more signatures and support for this petition.

I wanted to give a great big Thank You to those of you who have signed and continue your support for this.

Please continue to share the petition. Hundreds supporting in a 24 hour period is a great step. Wouldn't we love to walk into council with thousands of signatures on that petition? Group Hugs!!!!

Here's the link to the petition:

April 29, 2016: I also noticed the stats on the petition. We have had 1,000 view the petition and as of this morning with 344 signatures and support. I just uploaded this blog like yesterday and noticed the blog stats this morning had astronomical numbers as well. Thank you for the page views to the blog, but it also had me wondering if maybe just maybe they may be getting a little afraid that our petition is gaining support and speed?

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