You may be wondering what this blog is about. It is about our community here in Martinsburg and Berkeley County in West Virginia. It is about the growing heroin epidemic here in our community.
The heroin epidemic has been growing in numbers for many years now. It has already taken too many lives. Too many families are suffering watching their loved ones struggle with heroin addiction.
How this came into existence:
Now is the time to wake this county up to the effects that heroin is having on our community. They have heard the cries, the plea's and yet the proposed site of the Rehab and Treatment Center still set there an empty building. It is a time that we show them how much our community needs this. It is time to put faces and names to everyone who has been or is affected by this poison in our community. You are welcome to bring flowers, candles anything you wish to memorialize your loved ones or friends. Maybe if they can see by showing them a public display of our memorials, our cries and plea's to get this Rehab Center here maybe then they will stop the fighting about it, and start making a difference to those of us dealing with this, those who have lost a loved one to heroin, those who are using, those who struggle with this disease each and every day from the effects of heroin. This is a blight on the entire community, not just to those suffering because of a poison called- Heroin.
Martinsburg is the county seat of Berkeley County. We have the highest number of heroin overdoses in the State of West Virginia. We also have the highest number per capita in the state. Those numbers are nothing to be proud of.
In the future, I would love to share your stories here. From triumphs and lows, your loved ones. Stories of success and families with a loved one struggling.
Please be patient. This blog is still early and under construction.
© 2016 Gossip Girl
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