Saturday, January 28, 2017

Find Happiness Pursing Your Dreams

The challenges for the section on Be Happy on the Road have come to an end. I hope you found something interesting in the challenges of Happiness on Road and some ideas to help when you travel whether it is around the United States or for those of you who travel outside of our country.

The next section of challenges are about Finding Happiness Pursuing Your Dreams. Now, all of us have dreams especially dreams of something we'd like to do one day.

One of our sons has a dream of flipping houses. I would love to win the lottery to help get him started on his dream. He's very talented and would do well.

I personally would like to take a few of my hobbies and make an income. The hubby's dream is to homestead and live off grid.

We all have dreams of doing something one day. It is never too late to pursue any dream you have! The next set of challenges hopefully will give everyone ideas on pursing our own dreams.

I peeked ahead at a few of them and there are some really good ideas.
There are so many brilliant minds here in the panhandle and so many young and future innovators. Remember, anything is possible- even your dreams!

I have called upon a local entrepreneur for his help and guidance over the next few days of these challenges and for his input.

If you are searching for Happiness in Pursuing your dreams and you have dreams, but you just don't know where to start locally reach out to local entrepreneur, Winchester Hopkins. Winchester spends time working with oppressed individuals through his nonprofit organization, Self Empowerment Institute Inc

Reach out to him for some guidance if you don't know where to start or for encouragement. For more information on his organization you can contact him @

Also Read the Newspaper Article: Martinsburg Man Reaches Out To Those In Need
Pic from Dream Quotes

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