Monday, July 4, 2016

Challenge Myself: Day #22 Praying Helps

Today is Day #22 of our Nar Anon Group Just For Today Challenge. I am also integrating the Live Happy into my Challenge. The Live Happy Challenge for today is to say a prayer

The book says,

Prayer can center you when things are going right in your life, give you solace and lift you when you feel down, and remind you that you aren't alone. Praying can help you move forward when you feel stuck or provide hope when you need healing.

An associate professor of psychiatry at Duke University has observed that religious people tend to have healthier lives. Better health means you are more likely to feel greater satisfaction with your life.

Recite a prayer that gives you comfort. Or, if you prefer make up your own prayer. A simple "thank you" is a powerful prayer of gratitude. "I need your help" or "please guide me" are also excellent points of departure prayers.

Pray and then be still like an empty vessel waiting to be filled. Gratefully receive whatever inspiration, relief, peace, joy and bliss may come.

No matter what religion or faith that you practice. Simple words can be a prayer.

Just For Today: I am thankful for this new day.

From the book: Live Happy

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