I am trying very hard and in fact learned a few things just yesterday that pretty much has put the puzzle of our sons relapse in an order that makes sense. There are many factors which caused this to occur.
He didn't purposely relapse. No addict sets out to purposely live a life of drugs and abuse of drugs. Until those close to me has a better understanding of this drug in particular and recognizes that this is a disease I have had to distance myself. It's much easier that way. I'm tired of explaining it. I'm tired of hoping they will understand it. I am pretty much at the, LEAVE ME ALONE phase.
In Nar-Anon I hear Tina constantly say, Just Breathe. I close my eyes often and just breathe. Without the air to breathe I couldn't survive. So right now I am grateful for the air I breathe.
Go ahead Warrior Mamas and Papas, put this on repeat.
Remember we often pray for what we need, but do we ever really just say thanks for the smallest bit of gratefulness such as the air that we breathe.
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