Employee conflict in the workplace is a common occurrence, resulting from the differences in employees' personalities and values. Dealing with employee conflict in a timely manner is important to maintaining a healthy work environment.
Only when you fully understand where he or she's coming from, will you be able to align with that person and make your case against their position.
Practice that strategy on friends and coworkers during friendly, yet lively, discussions of opposing view point and then to overcome the objections to your position can greatly benefit your business.
I think we have all a time or two had a conflict with a coworker. Personally, I try to avoid conflict. I don't bring my personal problems to work. I try to leave them at home. If I am having a problem at work I try to go to that person directly to solve the problem. If that doesn't work then I'll climb that chain of command.
Normally I've found that the other person is just having a bad day too, or something is going on outside of the workplace and they are bringing it to work. It's okay to have a bad day, we all do but just don't rain your bad days on other people.
Just For Today: I am committed to resolving any problems if only for the sake of peace.
Other Links:
Dealing With Workplace Conflict
pic from cartoon stock
From the book: Live Happy
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