Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Challenge Myself: Day #67 Healthy Family Competition

Today is Day #67 of our Nar Anon Group Just For Today Challenge. I am also integrating the Live Happy into my Challenge. The Live Happy Challenge for today is competing in the family.

The hubby was very competitive. He played church league softball for awhile in his younger years. The kids saw his competitive spirit and often challenged him. Back then the kids had a Nintendo, but they still went outside to play.

The book says,

When your children are old enough to run around, get out a soccer ball and take it to the yard or park.

Children love to participate in activities with their parents. Whether or not your realize it, you are teaching your child even as you play games with him/her.

As you demonstrate a competitive spirit, team cooperation, respect for the rules of the game, and good sportsmanship whether you win or lose, he learns through observation, listening and participation.

So go outside and run around with your kids. If soccer isn't your thing, make up a game. The point is to play, set a good example, and have fun with the little (or not so little) ones in your life.

Put down the cellphones, the video games and whatever piece of technology you have in your hand and get out the backyard games- croquet, badminton, volleyball, corn hole toss or whatever outside games you have... and have a great time!

Just For Today: I am up for the challenge!

From the book: Live Happy

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